Thursday, November 17, 2011

Increase sudo timeout

There are two relevant values:

passwd_timeout  Number of minutes before the sudo password prompt times out, or 0 for no timeout.  The timeout may include a fractional component if minute granularity is insufficient, for example 2.5.  The default is 5.
timestamp_timeout Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask for a passwd again.  The timeout may include a fractional component if minute granularity is insufficient, for example 2.5.  The default is 5.  Set this to 0 to always prompt for a password.  If set to a value less than 0 the user's timestamp will never expire.  This can be used to allow users to create or delete their own timestamps via sudo -v and sudo -k respectively.

I find i quit annoying when the prompt times out or you have to type in the password to often.

This are my values:
Defaults timestamp_timeout=30
Defaults passwd_timeout=0
Add them to your sudo conf with visudo.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

More speed (responsiveness) for the linux desktop

Ram and file system cache:
more info

Preload most used applications/libs:

more info

Mounting /tmp to RAM

add this to your fstab:

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0

more info

BFS Kernel
There is a set of kernel patches that increases the responsiveness of the linux desktop. This is not limited to archlinux btw.

There are two main ways to get it on archlinux:
Build it from AUR: yaourt -S linux-ck

Or us a repository with precompiled packages:

Server =$arch

more info

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sync bash history between sessions on the fly

If you work with more then one bash terminal at a time, it can be annoying that the bash history is only available in the other session after you closed the terminal (default bash behavior).

You can fix it by adding this to your .bashrc

shopt -s histappend
export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -n; history -a"
More about it here:

I found it confusing that the history is always synced, even in the current session. This can be confusing while working, so i changed the above a bit:

shopt -s cmdhist
shopt -s cdspell
shopt -s histappend
#PROMPT_COMMAND="history -n; history -a"
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a"
Beside the obvious changes  there are some more variables changes . "HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:ignoredups:erasedups" to prevents bash to add dups. So your .bash_history keeps clean. Beside that i have added some more fun stuff. "cdspell" fixes typos while changing directories (yeah) and HISTSIZE increases the history size to 10000 lines. 

Removing "history -n;" has the effect, that the history is still up to date when you open a new terminal but existing terminals will not get the changes immediately. You have to execute "history -n" manually if you need the changes in the current terminal.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

change chrome gtk colors

Chrom(ium) has the ability to use the colors from the gtk theme currently used by your desktop. Anyway, sometimes the colors chrome extracts from you gtk theme do not match with the rest of your desktop. To fix this problem you can modify how chrome uses this colors or define complete new colors.

How to do it is described here:

You can add that stuff to your ".gtkrc-2.0" file.

I uses this in KDE4 with qtcurve and it works fine.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Resetting screen resolution with xrandr

If a game or an other application messed up you resolution you can easiely reset it by executing:

$ xrandr -s 0