Saturday, August 29, 2009

Customize console resolution

You can change you console resolution:

Install "lrmi" using you paketmanager.
After that you can get a list of all available resolutions supported by your graphichardware by using: "vbetest" in a console that already uses framebuffer.

You get a list similar to this one:

[356] 1440x900 (256 color palette)
[357] 1440x900 (8:8:8)

Note the number before your preferred resolution (357 in my example).
Add 512 to this number (357 + 512 = 869).

After that open /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the line from your kernel from something like this:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda8 ro


kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda8 ro vga=869

Thats it. After restarting your system you get the new resolution in your console session.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Starting multiple firefox instances at the same time

With a little hack its possible to start more then one firefox instance at the same time. It is also possible to start different versions and using different profiles.

you have to set a variable. That's all:

export MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 && firefox -Profilemanager && export MOZ_NO_REMOTE=0

Firefox performance tip: Shorter history

you can limit your history size in firefox to get better performance.

Go to:

Preferences > Privacy > History

and set the option: "Keep my history for.." to 5 days.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Advanced bash history completion

To extend the bash completion add this:


to /etc/inputrc or your ~/.inputrc

bind -f .inputrc

updates your config without logout/login.

If you type "man" and now press up or down on your keyboard only history entry's starting with "man" will be shown. Very useful.


Google Chrome for linux

You can get the latest nightly build of google chrome for Linux (alpha) here:

Start it like this to get extension, userscript and plugin support:

./chrome --enable-plugins --enable-extensions --enable-user-scripts

Two addblocker and a flashblocker can be found here: (i use both addblocker at once)

To get mousegestures in chrome you can use KDE4s build in gesture feature. A script with basic mouse gestures for some KDE browsers can be found here:


Firefox database performance improvement

hi, my first post. :)

here we go.

After some time firefox gets sluggish. You can reach a better performance by optimizing the internal used databases where firefox save bookmars, formdata etc..

You can use sqlit3 commandline tool to optimize its performance.


You have to close firefox to use this method.

You can use this script so optimize all database files at once: (this script looks if firefox is running. Maybe its necessary to change the path to your firefox binary)


if [ `whereis sqlite3 | grep -c /` -lt 1 ]
echo ‘sqlite3 program is necessary to this script. Install it with:’;
echo ‘\tsudo apt-get install sqlite3′;
exit 2;

if [ `ps aux | grep -c /usr/bin/firefox` -gt 1 ]
echo ‘Close Firefox to run this script’;
exit 1;
echo ‘Optimizing browser database…’;
echo ‘This can take a while…’;

for i in ~/.mozilla/firefox*/*/*.sqlite; do
sqlite3 $i VACUUM;
sqlite3 $i REINDEX;

echo ‘Optimization succesfully’;
exit 0;

Tip and script found here: (i changed the script a bit)