Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Monitoring changes in filesystem

Hi there,

here a quick hint how to monitor changes in files and folders:

inotifywait --exclude 'log' -rme modify,attrib,move,close_write,create,delete,delete_self folder/

This example show everything beside changes that are made on files which have the string "log" in its name.

You can use this to see for example what config files are change by a program.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My current android desktop

hi again :),

i spent some time to modify the desktop of my nexus one. On the right site, you can see how it looks like and now i will give you a short introduction how to achieve this.

Wallpaper: You can download the wallpaper here.
Icons: A set with the base icons can be found here (there are other colors too). Even more icons, for different apps, are located here (only green ones). To make your own icons, you can find the psd file here.
Dock: The dock-bar image: here
Used Apps: Desktop Visualizer, to add custom icons to your desktop apps. LauncherPro a home replacement which is a lot smoother and is more customizable. Multicon Widget to make the icons on your desktop smaller. Weather Widget Snowstorm.

LauncherPro allows you to change to dock-bar background and the icons by itself so you can simple change the look in the settings menu.

Its a bit tricky to have the icons on the desktop either. As you can see the icons are smaller as the normal desktop icons would be. You can achieve this by adding the 1x1 or 1x2 Multicon desktop widget. Then click it to open the configuration screen where you can select which icons to show. Click one of the four icons, then choose the "Shortcuts" tab and select "Desktop Visualizer". To hide the icon placeholders you don't need just add a blank icon to it. You can find this blank icons in the configuration tab "Other", its called . After that you can select an icon and the app what should be launched by clicking this icon. Obviously you have to copy the icons to you phone first. And thats it. Doing so, you can add smaller icons to your desktop with a different look. You can even vary the sice by choosing an other Multicon layout.

If you still have questions feel free to ask.

My Apps 1 - Widget Locker

hi there,
today i will start a post series where i show you the android apps i regularly use on my nexus one.

The first one i want to mention is an app called Widget Locker. You can see an image on the left. Its a "simple" lock-screen replacement. Normally you only have two sliders when you turn your phone on but, as you can see on the left, its possible to add more of these sliders with Widget Locker. You can not only add sliders, you can add every widget you like. Its great to have a widget to control your audio player on the lock-screen. :)

Thats it, you should try it to see whats possible with this app.
