Here are some settings i personally use.
I will extend this post as soon as discover more.
syntax on (syntax highlighting)
set number (line numbers)
set keywordprg=perldoc\ -f (shift-k opens perldoc for item under cursor )
to be continued
syntax on (syntax highlighting)
set number (line numbers)
set keywordprg=perldoc\ -f (shift-k opens perldoc for item under cursor )
# Bash shortener
_PS1 ()
local PRE= NAME="$1" LENGTH="$2";
[[ "$NAME" != "${NAME#$HOME/}" || -z "${NAME#$HOME}" ]] &&
((${#NAME}>$LENGTH)) && NAME="/...${NAME:$[${#NAME}-LENGTH+4]}";
echo "$PRE$NAME"
PS1=' \[\e[0m\]\u\[\e[0;32m\]@\[\e[0m\]\h \[\e[0;32m\]$(_PS1 "$PWD" 30) \[\e[0m\]$ 'It will shorten the path in your bash prompt to 30 chars.
alias open='nohup xdg-open >/dev/null 2>&1'Now you can start, for example a textfile, like this "open textfile.txt". Because of nohop in the alias you can even close the console session and the text editor stays open.
Ctrl + d = delete line
Alt + up = current line up
Ctrl + Alt + Up = Copy current line
F3 = open declaration
Ctrl + shift + G = Find all references
Ctrl + 1 = Quick fix popup
Ctrl + i = fixes indent
Alt + shift + R = rename variable
Ctrl + shift + f = format code
"syso" & Ctrl + space = System.out.println("");
"main" & Ctrl + space = public static void main(String[] args){}